Thursday, January 31, 2013


The attitude of the show changes from sarcastic humor, to full blown crazy action in the blink of an eye. All of the characters wear the same scrubs and doctors jackets in every episode. The higher level surgeons wear dark blue scrubs while the interns wear light blue scrubs. This is to make it easier to differentiate the characters rank in the show which helps the viewer understand the attitudes of the other characters towards each other. Also, the doctors are usually very well put together yet they look very natural looking. The show is based in Seattle, Washington but the set is just outside of Hollywood in Los Feliz. They also use hospital scenes from a hospital in North Hills, California. In the beginning of the series, Shonda Rhimes, executive producer, wanted to base the show in Chicago. But in order to give the show some more originality (because the famous show ER was based in Chicago) Rhimes decided to base the show in Seattle. Aside from this show being similar to ER, Grey's is also in contrast with General Hospital, a spin off show of Grey's staring Derek's ex-wife, Addison Gilbert. I am getting the feeling that soon, Grey's and General Hospital will be having a merged episode of some sort. For the most part, I think that Grey's stands out because of all the unfortunate events that occur on the show. There has been deaths, babies born, airplane crashes, hospital shootings, car accidents, fires, bombs; you name it! Its hard to predict what else can go wrong because everything horrible has already happened to them. I'm sure they will always think of something though.

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