Thursday, January 31, 2013


When you really think about it, Grey's is filled with stereotypes about doctors and surgeons. The interns are always stupid and the attending's are mean and demanding. There is a constant flow of wild medical cases and bad luck flowing through the hospital. Everyone is sleeping with everyone all over the hospital and eventually they will form a relationship, but usually it doesn't last.There are no unattractive doctors. After work, they go to the bar, especially when it was a bad day and a patient died that they really liked. All of these things, and many more, are seen regularly on Grey's as if they are implying that this is the life of a medical doctor in a large city. Either way, they do a good job of giving people a heavy dose of romance, drama and action, all in one sitting. Based on the commercials, you can tell that the shows target audience is most likely younger, or middle aged women, single or in a relationship, mothers; this could be for women of any social class also.
I think that the impression that this show would give off to a visitor to the United States would be a sort of over dramatic idea that being a doctor in the United States is a very stressful, yet exciting job to have. Its somehow misleading in the sense that so many horrible things happen on this show to the doctors from hospital shootings to plane crashes. This is typically not the life of a medical doctor. These terrible occurrences may happen to some of them, but not all doctors, all the time, as the show presents.

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