Thursday, January 31, 2013


Honestly, I am so in love with this show that finding weaknesses is very difficult. I remember thinking that the seventh season was very different than the first six. The characters and situations were more dramatic and it took a while for me to get used to this change. However, once I did, I fell in love all over again. The cast of the show is wonderful and the story line always has something knew up its sleeve to keep you engaged and wanting to watch more and more. Even though I don't believe that a doctors life is this hectic, all of the medical cases used on the show are of real events that have happened in the Untied States and around the world. While they may not have happened all in one hospital, they have happened.

 Of the entire show, my favorite thing about it is Meredith and Christina's friendship. It reminds me very much of my own friendship with my friend Hailee. The two of them claim to be each others "person," a term that Meredith describes in one of the earlier episodes when her and Christina get really close. The humor they have and the secrets they are able to tell each other represent the perfect friendship to have in that crazy world of the hospital. Sometimes, however, the show can get a little too dramatic, like three of the main characters dying in a plane crash! It was honestly just too much to handle.Also, the relationship between Christina and what looks like her soon to be ex-husband Owen is really getting on my nerves because I just want them to be together and happy like they were before. You can obviously tell that they both still love each other  Nevertheless, I am happy to discuss my disgust and joy with my Alexia who is also a huge fan of Grey's.

After reading some reviews and comments on the release of season nine, I found that I am have a lot of the same opinions as other Grey's fans. I cried when one of the main doctors died after the plane crash, just as many of the commenters had exclaimed. Also, I wanted Christina Yang to return to Seattle Grace because she had transferred to a very prestigious hospital in Minnesota  She did end up coming back after her old man friend died in the middle of a surgery. The season so far has made me laugh, cry, and feel very anxious as to what is going to be in the future. I try to watch the show every Thursday, but if i cannot get around to it, I will watch it on ABC before my work on Saturday's. Typically I watch it alone, or maybe with my boyfriend if I cook him a beautiful meal before hand. Sometimes the show will post spoilers or keep me posted on Facebook as to when the episodes will be delayed a week or two. When they are delayed, it usually ruins my day.

After doing this project, I can see that I have a slight obsession with this show. However,  I did learn quite a bit more about it such as that it is not filmed in Seattle, I got to know the actors and actresses real names, and I found it interesting how they chose Seattle instead of Chicago where ER took place. I was really surprised to realize that this show is going on its tenth season and how I just barely found out about it on the seventh! Overall, i'm excited too see what Grey's has in store for me next. I'm thinking there is going to be a kidnapping of some sort or the hospital will catch on fire. Its hard to say, but something terrible is coming soon. If one thing isn't going wrong at Seattle Grace, something else is.

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