Friday, January 25, 2013

Introduction to My Grey's Addiction

It all started one cold winters day in 2011. I was home alone and searching the web trying to find something to entertain myself with. It was as if fate brought me and this series together because as soon as I began my search, it appeared. "Grey's Anatomy;" what could this be? I decided to watch a trailer on the show and see just what it was about. Immediately  I was hooked. Who could resist a Medical Drama filled with action, romance, and comedy. Not only that, but the characters were attractive and all had bold personalities that one cannot help but love. That Christmas break, I spent every day indulging myself in the Grey's Anatomy saga. It was an addiction that I didn't want to quit and I haven't since that break. I got all caught up that break on the first six seasons so that after the break, I could begin watching the seventh! Every Thursday from then on, I've been glued to my television at 9/8 central, ABC.

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